Pegasus Aviation Service, LLC
Steep Spiral BACK to Index
DescriptionThe aircraft is maneuvered around a point on the ground in a manner that keeps the aircraft's ground track in a circle, while in a power-off glide.
ObjectiveTo improve pilot techniques for power-off turns, wind drift control, planning, orientation, and division of attention.
Procedure• Complete pre-maneuver checklist. Clear the area. Make radio calls as appropriate. Maintain 2300 RPM and approximately 90 KIAS at an altitude that will allow at least three – 360° turns to be completed no lower than 1000 AGL. Pick a prominent ground reference point to simulate a runway.• Simulate engine failure. Enter maneuver downwind to ground reference point almost directly above it. Apply carb heat and pull power to idle.• Emergency procedure. Complete ABCDE engine failure checklist. Best place to land should be ground reference point chosen at prior to maneuver start.• Begin gliding spiral. At best glide speed (65 KIAS), maneuver at a constant radius around ground reference point. Vary the bank angle as necessary as groundspeed changes (do not exceed 60°).• Clear the engine. Upon completing each 360° turn, smoothly and briefly apply full power in the upwind turn to verify engine is still operating.• Complete three 360° turns. Upon completing the third turn, rollout on entry heading and return to cruise flight.
ACS Standards• Clear the area.• Select an altitude sufficient to continue through a series of at least three 360° turns.• Establish and maintain a steep spiral, not to exceed 60° angle of bank, to maintain a constant radius about a suitable ground reference point.• Apply wind-drift correction to track a constant radius circle around selected reference point with bank not to exceed 60° at steepest point in turn.• Divide attention between airplane control, traffic avoidance, and the ground track, while maintaining coordinated flight.• Maintain the specified airspeed, ±10 knots and roll out toward an object or specified heading, ±10°, and complete the maneuver no lower than 1,500’ AGL.