Pegasus Aviation Service, LLC
Recovery from Unusual Attitudes BACK to Index
DescriptionThe airplane is put into an abnormal climbing, descending, or steeply banked attitude with loss of outside visual reference.
ObjectiveTo help recognize and recover from spatial disorientation, wake turbulence, or other disorienting events in flight.
Nose High Procedure• Recognize.•• Airspeed decreasing•• Altitude increasing•• Positive rate on VSI• Recover. Apply full power and forward elevator pressure to lower the nose. Use coordinated rudder and aileron input to level the wings.• Crosscheck. Continue to scan instruments to verify normal attitude.• Return to cruise flight. Decrease power to a normal cruise setting and trim to relieve control pressures.
Nose Low Procedure• Recognize.•• Airspeed Increasing•• Altitude decreasing•• Negative rate on VSI• Recover. Reduce power to idle and level the wings by using coordinated rudder and aileron pressure. Apply smooth back elevator pressure to raise the nose until the altimeter stops moving.• Crosscheck. Continue to scan instruments to verify normal attitude.• Return to cruise flight. Increase power to a normal cruise setting and trim to relieve control pressures.
ACS Standards• Recognize unusual flight attitudes; perform the correct, coordinated and smooth flight control application to resolve unusual pitch and bank attitudes while staying within the airplane’s limitations d flight parameters.